Character Takeover: Atlas Rivers

[Amber Side note: during this takeover, there are times when more than one person is talking.
This is your handy guide to figure out who.
Atlas [Amber]
It won’t really let me change the font at all, so this is how we decided it looked. Anything that’s just bold, is probably questions, which are also technically from me. Also, this version of Atlas is from the end of Blood Song, Book 1 of The Bluebird Chronicles due out July 20, 2023. Thanks!]

Greetings and salutations, my name is Atlas Rivers and I am one of the two sages in Territory Three. I will be taking over today and answering some questions. I hope you enjoy. Have a wonderful day.

Character: Atlas Fox Rivers; Eldritch Demon; Sage in Territory Three. Face Claim: Alexandre Schuster. All pictures belong to their rightful owners, which is not me. Sadly.

Basic Information:

Full Name: Atlas Fox Rivers, though this was not the name I was given at birth, it has been the name I’ve used since my second life began.

Nickname(s)/Alias: I’m not sure I have any, besides my title, but that’s not really an alias.

Age: Undisclosed.

DOB: April 6th 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight.

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Height: 5′ 11.5″

Eye Color: Brown

Hair color: It used to be a lovely dark brown, but I prefer the salt and pepper gray I go with now. It suits me.

Species: Elentori

Race: Eldritch Demon
[What is that? Can you explain it?]
An eldritch demon was born a human, either a Karhu or an Arkane, that is turned into a demon. It’s a complicated and long process that takes the better part of a century to complete. Though not everyone turned actually completes the process.

Location: Southern Illinois.

Profession (if any): Sage in Territory Three.

Family: While I count Reid, Asher, Eli, and Becks among my family, I do not have any true family left. They’ve been gone a long time.

Picture Roulette

All other pictures taken from pinterest and belong to the rightful owners.

These are the photos you asked me to provide.
[Thank you. Would you mind telling us about them?]
Of course not.
#2 – My favorite food is a creamy prosciutto pasta. Last time I made it with peas, I don’t think I’ll do that again. Finley agreed they were not a good addition.
#5 – This is the lock screen on my phone. Though I don’t know why that would be interesting.
#11 – Though it may not seem like much, the most interesting thing I own is this pocket watch. It was given to me by Annabeth once upon a time.
#14 – The last date I went on, we ate dumplings and had a wonderful time.
#18 – My bad influence friend is Ivy Herrick, the other sage in this territory. She is always trying to get us into trouble when we go out.
#24 – This is a photo I recently deleted. I was out in the woods with Asher and I was attempting to catch a picture of a bird but I was walking and I tripped, so the picture was blurry. I got a better picture right after so I deleted this one.
#29 – The person I’d like to see everyday is Annabeth. I miss her dearly.

all aesthetic pictures taken from Pinterest or free on Canva. All rights belong to the owners not me.

Answer these questions:

Name one weird thing you like.

Being barefoot. I’m not particularly fond of shoes.

Which do you prefer? City or Town?

Town. I like being around people, but I also like being in nature. Where we live now is a perfect compromise on that.

What has been the hardest thing for you to face or learn?

Losing my Twin Flame and learning to live without her.

Who is Annabeth?

Annabeth was my Twin Flame. Though I don’t particularly want to speak too much on her.
[That’s fine. Thank you for sharing that much.]

Favorite person to watch on Youtube? 

The Limit Breakdown with Migs and Sid, or old reruns of Bob Ross.

What scares you the most?

 Losing one of my “children”. I consider Asher, Reid, Eli, Becks, and the rest to be my family and I would hate to lose one of them for any reason.

Who is your favorite person that you have the misfortune to be around every day?

Misfortune, that’s funny. Probably Asher or Reid. I love watching them grow into better men.

Honestly, do you like your life? 

I love my life. It took a long time to accept it, but I do love it.

Do you smile at strangers? 

Yes. I believe in bringing joy to the world and a smile could make someone’s day.

I know that vampires can’t get drunk, can you?

Yes, but my tolerance is pretty high. It would take quite a bit to make me drunk. However, there are other interesting consequences of drinking too much.
[Such as?]
That my dear is a conversation for another day.

Do you lie to yourself?

Every day.

Are you a lazy person? 

No, I’m comfortable.

Who was your first love?

A spicy number named Avalon, though I cannot remember much about her besides her name anymore.

What makes you laugh? 

The sarcastic assholes that I’m constantly surrounded by.

What did you do before you were the Sage? 

What everyone else did prior, try to live my life I guess. I did work for the previous Sage for a bit and enjoyed it.

If you won the lottery, what would you do?

Take a vacation at home and buy some expensive scotch.

Are you selfish? 

To an extent. But I think everyone is like that, depending on the situation. I do try to be as giving and as open as I can though.

What time do you wake up in the morning?

7:30. Or 9. Depends on the day.

What is the toughest part of being Sage? 

Being fair. Not picking favorites. Being hard on those that serve under me, even when I don’t want to be.

What did you think the first time you met Bailey?  

 That she was soft and sweet and perfect for Asher. Also that she probably had no idea what she was getting herself into.

What’s one item you can’t leave home without?

I have a worry stone in my pocket at all times. It’s a small piece of Tiger’s Eye that I keep with me always. It’s quite a bit smaller than it used to be, but I love it. It was a gift from the Sage I used to work for.

What’s your favorite animal? And Color?

I like big cats. The lynx is my favorite. Reid would tell you my favorite color is Khaki Brown, though it’s actually turquoise, like the stone. I like the brightness of it.

Thank you for tuning in. I hope you’ve had as good a time as I have. Have a wonderful day. Goodbye.

[That’s all for this month’s character takeover. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave questions in the comments and I’ll make sure Atlas answers them. Have a great day my friends. Be safe, make good choices, and don’t eat yellow snow. Happy New Year.]


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